Sunday, June 30, 2013

Transfer Time

 This is the Kinshasa Temple Site and Kinshasa Stake Center.  Here we are with President Brent and Lorraine Jameson with the two Assistants Elder Kabuya and Elder Mpungu.

Our first day here, first African-Congo Sacrament Mtg. first time to hear these beautiful people sing, ride in traffic,and first opportunity to discourse in French.

  We were welcomed most graciously and tears were shed by all  saying good-bye to Jamesons(we were the ones crying the hardest).  They have done a wonderful job- true pioneers! Best wishes in their new assignments.  They not only prepared the church and missionaries but they were instrumental in preparing us. In spite of their expert abilities, there remains a huge learning curve.  Looking forward to day two!!!
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  1. So fun to see the first photo of you there! I cried when you told me about the meeting today.

  2. Not done and since you told Tytan you were in Africa with the giraffes and lions when I asked him later to tell my brother's family where you were he said "the zoo!" Lol. Love Tytan and love you!

  3. You are loved and prayed for....enjoy the ride!

  4. Oh Karol! You both look amazing! You're right when you belong, where the Lord and His saints in Africa need you to be. I'm so excited to follow your journey!
    Much love and daily prayers for you all.
