Finally Gabon got their baptismal font. It's nothing fancy but it gets the job done!

As soon as the Elders could get it set up baptisms were scheduled. They scheduled them Sunday morning so the President and I could attend. Twenty-one were baptised. It was so cool. There was one gentleman that had been waiting for 16 years to be baptised. Elder Mukadi, Elder Zurcher, Elder Christensen and Elder Mpungu were the first elders to get visas into Gabon. This baptism is the result of having the missionaries in Gabon. The Elders said there were more that wanted to be baptised but they only had enough clothes for 21. We are still having issues getting visas for our Elders. Elders Zurcher, Mpungu ,and Christensen have gone home and Elder Mukadi is waiting with Elder and Sister Moody for their replacements . Prayers are needed!

While in Gabon President Cook and I had our first P-Day. The Moody's took us to this beautiful beach and resort area right on the ocean. We have seen some beautiful beaches but the garbage doesn't make it very inviting. But Gabon is a very progressive country. The government is more stable and people have jobs and you can see this in the city of Libreville. We walked along the beach, stuck our toes in the warm water, looked at sand crabs and just felt the cool breeze coming off the water.

We look like we are on vacation ...well somewhat!!!

This looks like my African Violets at home. When you take the time and look at the small beauties that are here and get away from the crowds you see God's handiwork.

Here we are in Moody's home having District meeting for the last time with Elders Zurcher and Christensen and the Moodys. How we have loved working with these missionaries!! I'm going to miss our MLS missionaries in these outlying areas when they divide the mission! Oh I forgot to tell you! THEY ARE DIVIDING OUR MISSION!!!!! The new mission will be called Brazzaville Congo Mission. In the division all the countries will go to the Brazzaville Mission Gabon, Congo, and Cameroon! This makes me sad but it is going to be such a blessing to all this area and in the missionary work. We are witnessing the Hastening of the Work.

Just as we got home from this wonderful baptism in Gabon we found out the our Masina Zone had scheduled 46 convert baptisms at a Stake baptism in Masina. There were 5 children member baptisms also making a total of 51 saints coming into the Church. It made it very special because it was held on April 6 !

They had to hold the baptismal meeting in the chapel there were so many people. It was so wonderful!! The work is true and we are so grateful to be apart of this in wonderful Africa !